10 Apr Postsecondary Success Triggers: Mental Health and Happiness
When most students think about college or university they usually focus on which one they would like to get accepted to, how much it will cost, where they will live, and what they would like to specialize/major in. They do not usually give much thought to how they will deal with the stress of seemingly endless assignments and exams. How they will pay attention to important self-care tenets such as proper nutrition and hydration, exercise and time for “just being”, without staring at a screen of some kind. Good mental health is predicated on these basic self-care principles, yet they are often seriously lacking in the post secondary environment. How will you know when you are off track? You may feel sluggish, tired, or maybe even a bit anxious and/or depressed.
It is important to be proactive in your approach to mental health. Keep your body fit and your mind calm. If you do not often feel clam, learn strategies to assist with this. The mind does not like to feel stressed for very long, it makes it very unhappy.
So, before heading off to post secondary, take time to think about how you fit healthy “down time” into your days and weeks. Take time to be reflective and grateful. This time will pass before you know it. Enjoy the journey and remember to strive for a healthy mind in a healthy body. You’ll be happy you did.